Sub 获取工行贵金属()
Dim sTemp As String
Dim startindex As Long
url = ""
With CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
.Open "GET", url, False, "", ""
.setRequestHeader "If-Modified-Since", "0"
sTemp = .responseText
End With
startindex = InStr(10, sTemp, "人民币账户白银")
endindex = InStr(startindex, sTemp, "交易")
substr = Mid(sTemp, startindex + 200, endindex - startindex + 1)
substr = Split(substr, "</td>")(3)
icbcag = CDbl(Trim(Split(substr, ">")(1)))
startindex = InStr(10, sTemp, "人民币账户黄金")
endindex = InStr(startindex, sTemp, "交易")
substr = Mid(sTemp, startindex + 200, endindex - startindex + 1)
substr = Split(substr, "</td>")(3)
icbcau = CDbl(Trim(Split(substr, ">")(1)))
startindex = InStr(10, sTemp, "美元账户黄金")
endindex = InStr(startindex, sTemp, "交易")
substr = Mid(sTemp, startindex + 200, endindex - startindex + 1)
substr = Split(substr, "</td>")(3)
icbcau_usd = CDbl(Trim(Split(substr, ">")(1)))
startindex = InStr(10, sTemp, "美元账户白银")
endindex = InStr(startindex, sTemp, "交易")
substr = Mid(sTemp, startindex + 200, endindex - startindex + 1)
substr = Split(substr, "</td>")(3)
icbcag_usd = CDbl(Trim(Split(substr, ">")(1)))
startindex = InStr(10, sTemp, " Ag(T+D)")
endindex = InStr(startindex, sTemp, "交易")
substr = Mid(sTemp, startindex + 200, endindex - startindex + 1)
substr = Split(substr, "</td>")(0)
agtd = CDbl(Trim(substr))
startindex = InStr(10, sTemp, " Au(T+D)")
endindex = InStr(startindex, sTemp, "交易")
substr = Mid(sTemp, startindex + 200, endindex - startindex + 1)
substr = Split(substr, "</td>")(0)
autd = CDbl(Trim(substr))
startindex = InStr(10, sTemp, " Au99.99")
endindex = InStr(startindex, sTemp, "交易")
substr = Mid(sTemp, startindex + 200, endindex - startindex + 1)
substr = Split(substr, "</td>")(0)
au9999 = CDbl(Trim(substr))
Sheet6.Range("B2") = icbcag
Sheet6.Range("B3") = icbcau
Sheet6.Range("B4") = icbcag_usd
Sheet6.Range("B5") = icbcau_usd
Sheet6.Range("B6") = agtd
Sheet6.Range("B7") = autd
Sheet6.Range("B8") = au9999
End Sub
Dim sTemp As String
Dim startindex As Long
url = ""
With CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
.Open "GET", url, False, "", ""
.setRequestHeader "If-Modified-Since", "0"
sTemp = .responseText
End With
startindex = InStr(10, sTemp, "人民币账户白银")
endindex = InStr(startindex, sTemp, "交易")
substr = Mid(sTemp, startindex + 200, endindex - startindex + 1)
substr = Split(substr, "</td>")(3)
icbcag = CDbl(Trim(Split(substr, ">")(1)))
startindex = InStr(10, sTemp, "人民币账户黄金")
endindex = InStr(startindex, sTemp, "交易")
substr = Mid(sTemp, startindex + 200, endindex - startindex + 1)
substr = Split(substr, "</td>")(3)
icbcau = CDbl(Trim(Split(substr, ">")(1)))
startindex = InStr(10, sTemp, "美元账户黄金")
endindex = InStr(startindex, sTemp, "交易")
substr = Mid(sTemp, startindex + 200, endindex - startindex + 1)
substr = Split(substr, "</td>")(3)
icbcau_usd = CDbl(Trim(Split(substr, ">")(1)))
startindex = InStr(10, sTemp, "美元账户白银")
endindex = InStr(startindex, sTemp, "交易")
substr = Mid(sTemp, startindex + 200, endindex - startindex + 1)
substr = Split(substr, "</td>")(3)
icbcag_usd = CDbl(Trim(Split(substr, ">")(1)))
startindex = InStr(10, sTemp, " Ag(T+D)")
endindex = InStr(startindex, sTemp, "交易")
substr = Mid(sTemp, startindex + 200, endindex - startindex + 1)
substr = Split(substr, "</td>")(0)
agtd = CDbl(Trim(substr))
startindex = InStr(10, sTemp, " Au(T+D)")
endindex = InStr(startindex, sTemp, "交易")
substr = Mid(sTemp, startindex + 200, endindex - startindex + 1)
substr = Split(substr, "</td>")(0)
autd = CDbl(Trim(substr))
startindex = InStr(10, sTemp, " Au99.99")
endindex = InStr(startindex, sTemp, "交易")
substr = Mid(sTemp, startindex + 200, endindex - startindex + 1)
substr = Split(substr, "</td>")(0)
au9999 = CDbl(Trim(substr))
Sheet6.Range("B2") = icbcag
Sheet6.Range("B3") = icbcau
Sheet6.Range("B4") = icbcag_usd
Sheet6.Range("B5") = icbcau_usd
Sheet6.Range("B6") = agtd
Sheet6.Range("B7") = autd
Sheet6.Range("B8") = au9999
End Sub

Rem With CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")好使,谢谢!
With CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")